Wolf's dungeon guide

Wolf's dungeon guide

Wolf's dungeon guide!

Simple note

some of this web site's contents are taken from wolfsdungeon.com

Basic info

Wolf’s Dungeon is a hentai side-scrolling game created by Eluku99. Everything about tis game was created by Eluku. You play as Nona a wolf girl who is captured by orcs and taken to a dungeon. There you must break out, solve puzzles, fight monsters, and "hopefully" avoid being…raped.

download current version

version 181209 (current version as of 12/31/2018) Download

Before i get on with the guide here are a few things you should know before starting

Menu Controls

  • W: Up
  • S: Down
  • SPACE: Select
  • Basic Controls

  • W: Jump (Requires underwear)
  • A: Move Left
  • D: Move Right
  • S: Crouch
  • E: Wolfcry Special Attack (Requires underwear)
  • E (Hold): Charged Wolfcry Special Attack (Requires underwear)
  • D + E: Wolf Fang Special Attack (Requires underwear)
  • SPACE: Attack / Action / Pick Up
  • CTRL: Block (Requires underwear)
  • TAB: Menu
  • Special Controls

  • D + SPACE: Forward Strong Kick Attack (Requires underwear)
  • S + SPACE (Hold): Crouching Forward Strong Kick Attack (Requires underwear)
  • S + SPACE: Crouch Attack (Requires underwear)
  • W + SPACE: Jump Kick Attack (Requires underwear)
  • CTRL + BACK: Dodge Back (Requires underwear)
  • CTRL + FORWARD: Forward Dodge (Requires underwear)
  • CTRL + FORWARD (Hold): Run (Requires underwear)
  • CTRL + E (Hold): Remove Underwear (Requires underwear)
  • CTRL (Hold): Reduce Erotic (Requires underwear)

                            Wolf's dungeon guide!

Simple note

some of this web site's contents are taken from wolfsdungeon.com (No longer Up)

Basic info

Wolf’s Dungeon is a hentai side-scrolling game created by Eluku99. Everything about this game was created by Eluku. You play as Nona a wolf girl who is captured by orcs and taken to a dungeon. There you must break out, solve puzzles, fight monsters, and "hopefully" avoid being…raped.

download current version

version 190123 (current version as of 1/20/2019) Download
Read me(Version  190120 is out as of 1/20/2019 
still nothing new in terms of anything but animations and controls.

Before i get on with the guide here are a few things you should know before starting

Menu Controls

  • W: Up
  • S: Down
  • SPACE: Select

Basic Controls

  • W: Jump (Requires underwear)
  • A: Move Left
  • D: Move Right
  • S: Crouch
  • E: Wolfcry Special Attack (Requires underwear)
  • E (Hold): Charged Wolfcry Special Attack (Requires underwear)
  • D + E: Wolf Fang Special Attack (Requires underwear)
  • SPACE: Attack / Action / Pick Up
  • CTRL: Block (Requires underwear)
  • TAB: Menu

Special Controls

  • D + SPACE: Forward Strong Kick Attack (Requires underwear)
  • S + SPACE (Hold): Crouching Forward Strong Kick Attack (Requires underwear)
  • S + SPACE: Crouch Attack (Requires underwear)
  • W + SPACE: Jump Kick Attack (Requires underwear)
  • CTRL + BACK: Dodge Back (Requires underwear)
  • CTRL + FORWARD: Forward Dodge (Requires underwear)
  • CTRL + FORWARD (Hold): Run (Requires underwear)
  • CTRL + E (Hold): Remove Underwear (Requires underwear)
  • CTRL (Hold): Reduce Erotic (Requires underwear)


When you completely run out of hunger points you take much more damage. You can regain hunger points by eating apples, certain monsters(they usually filly you with cum when hunger is full), and breastfeeding from prisoners.


when you are grabbed monsters will sexually attack you and your erotic bar will increase. When your erotic bar is maxed while being grabbed, the monster will rip off your underwear. If you are grabbed while naked with a max erotic bar your health will begin depleting. Your erotic bar increases MUCH faster if grabbed while naked. The erotic bar will slowly increase while naked. To remove erotic, go to sleep with underwear on or hold CTRL with underwear on.


Your collect bar shows how much cum your holding. Some monsters grab you and fill you with cum. This bar will not fill up unless your hungry bar is filed.


with clothing

without clothing


Orc Raper

After the cut scene you begin controlling Nona in a prison. The very first thing you do in the game is fight an orc raper monster. To beat him easily you must keep your distance, otherwise he will attack and grab you. The best attacks to use on him is Wolf’s Fang (D + E) or Forward Strong Kick (D + SPACE). Hit him with one of those attacks and then run back to the starting point. Usually he will not follow you, rinse and repeat until he is dead. If he does corner you against the wall, spam your regular attack and your Wolf’s Cry (E) attack. If he does grab you mash the movement keys to escape quickly. After beating him, continue moving forward and you will come upon a locked door. To get the key backtrack to the imprisoned wolf girl, while standing in front of her hit the action key (SPACE). Nona will then dig into her asshole and retrieve the key. Continue on and Nona will automatically use the key to open the door. The next room has some hay to sleep on, sleep here (S + SPACE) to recover your health, and remove any erotic you may have accumulated from the last fight. Sleeping also saves your game. If you lost your clothes, new ones should drop down once you sleep. You may need to reload your game to get the clothes to appear. Once you have fully recovered your health, and removed erotic move on to the next room.

Boogey Orc

The next boss you will face is the boogey orc, however first you need to level up. I recommend leveling up to at least level five before continuing. To level up, leave the save room and you will notice a little monster as you continue. These are called meat openers. You will use the endless supply of these monsters to level up. The easiest way to kill them is to use your regular punch attacks (SPACE). Two in quick succession. Don’t try to use strong attacks because they are too slow. A single meat opener will never rip off your underwear. If you get hurt, or your erotic gets to high, go back and save then rinse and repeat until you are level five. Don’t forget, you must sleep to actually gain the level once you have enough experience. As you level up be sure to use the ‘StatusUp’ in the menu (TAB). I recommend trying for speed/power/life stats. As you level up and your stats increase you will be able to kill the meat openers faster.

Once you are level five, continue on until you reach the boogey orc, do not get too close to him though or he will grab you. Note, you cannot kill him, you can only stun him. Keep your distance and jump kick attack him until he is beaten. As soon as you beat him, go past him quickly and crouch near the rock. As long as you crouch behind him he cannot grab you. Attack the rock until it breaks and crawl through the passage.

In the next area you will notice another orc below. When he passes beneath you do not move, otherwise he will grab you. Continue on stopping as he passes under you. In the next room you will see an opening, go in front of it and push (S + SPACE) to enter. Here sleep on the hay to save.

Prison Orc & Cum Extractor
Walk to the right of the hay and you will notice a blindfolded prisoner. Walk up to her to feed off of her and fill your hunger bar. Make sure your health is full and your erotic is empty before leaving. Next leave the save room and go all the way east. You will notice an orc behind bars. Take your clothes off (Hold CTRL + E), pick up your underwear (S + SPACE), and then walk up to him. He will grab you, do not escape, let the entire animation complete. He will fill you with cum. Next go into your inventory (TAB) and put your underwear back on. Go back to the save room and feed/sleep until you have full health and empty erotic. Next go back out of the save room and go to the middle of the room to the cum extractor. Take off your underwear, and while standing in front of the extractor hit S. Nona will climb onto the extractor and deposit her cum, do not escape until Nona has completely drained her pussy. Repeat this until the cum bucket is full and the light below turns green. Once complete go back to the save room and save.

*Easter Egg: If you sleep on the hay in the save room naked, then restart the game, when you load the monster in the prison cell behind will grab you when you load your game.

Kung Fu Orc

Head back towards the beginning of the game towards the boogey orc. Crawl past the orc below, stopping as he passes beneath you. Then jump past the boogey orc as well. Next fight your way past the meat openers, do not go into the opened door yet. Instead, continue on to the save room and save your game. Before fighting the kung fu orc, I recommend reaching level 8-10. Kill meat openers until you reach the appropriate level. Once you are ready, enter the newly opened room.

As with the other enemies its best to keep your distance. Wolf’s Fang attack (D + E) and strong kick (D + SPACE) are your best bets. If he corners you spam your Wolf Cry attack (E). If you lose your underwear against kung fu orc, its basically game over. Once you have beaten the Kung Fu orc continue on to the girl at the east end who is suspended. Hit the action button (SPACE) while in front of her and Nona will pull a ball and chain from her vagina. Next go back west and you will see a claw, hit the action button while in front of it and Nona will place the ball there, opening both doors. Continue on east through the door, in the next area go down the stairs, then go west as soon as you can. Continue west and you will come upon some hay, save your game.

*Easter Egg: Continue west past the hay towards the rock and you will find some kind of weird monster. If you walk up to it without underwear it will grab you, this monster feeds you, fills your erotic and collect bar. Be careful though once all of them are full you die instantly.

Jungle Area / Caves
Head west to the weird monster, get naked and approach it. It will grab you and fill your life, hungry, erotic, and fill bars. Get to full health and hungry, then start escaping. If all bars get completely full you will die. You might save again at this point while you have full health. Next continue east. On the next screen there are no enemies, but there is a clearing you can enter. If you take off your clothes and go into the water then hit CTRL, Nona will empty the cum into the spring. This currently has no effect on the game. Leave the spring area and continue east.

On the next screen as soon as you enter start running. You will see small seeds fall from the sky. When this happens a plant appears at that spot and will shoot acid at you which melts your clothes. If you see a seed drop step back and wait for it to shoot, then proceed. There is a vine blocking the way, destroy it, once destroyed run quickly and ignore the seeds.

On the next screen stay to the left and a butterfly sucker will appear and fly towards you. Stay back, if it flies down on top of you you cannot hit it. Instead back off and punch it. Continue this and break through another vine to continue east.

The next area is home to three monsters. The butterflies from the previous screen, sarlacc type monsters at the bottom of the pits, and a rock monster, the latter two will instantly kill you. Note, the rock monsters seem to be randomly placed. Continue east and edge up to the ledge, and carefully jump across. If the next ledge has a rock on it, go quickly to the next platform or you will be grabbed. Continue on, carefully drop down on the last platform, then jump across over the last sarlacc. There are lots of rock monsters through the caves, I recommend timing it and forward dodging past them (CTRL + FORWARD), jumping also helps. You can also use the crouching strong kick to kill the rock monsters. Continue up to the save point.

end of content from wolfsdungeon.com

Futa Boss

Once you save go to the next area you will see that you are on a ledge. Go down the ledge to find some grass go forward a bit more to find a statue and the futa boss. The boss is invincible so let the boss beat you. After the boss beats you will get a cut scene after the cut scene you will get to control what the futa does to Nona. on the left of the screen you will see Nona being face fucked underneath that you will see two bars a life bar and a orgasm bar.  The orgasm bar when filled regenerates your life all the other numbers and words underneath are irreverent. the life bar is how much life Nona has before she dies there is a scene when she dies. The bar at the bottom of the screen saying expanded level is how much her uterus is stretched. you need the bar to be in the last box to get the futa to fuck Nona.

walk up to Nona and press space to be able to choose how to expand Nona's uterus. use the A and D keys to move between options the first option is nothing and doesn't do anything. The second option does no life damage to Nona but fills up her orgasm bar (make sure before each option heal Nona every time). The third option slowly expands Nona's uterus this is the only option that you can end at your own control this only expands her uterus to the second bar press space to end the action. the fourth option will kill Nona if  less than 1 and 1/2 of a bar are full. The fifth option is like option four but will kill Nona if  less than 2 and 1/2 of a bar are full. the sixth option will kill Nona if less than 3 bars are full. the final option will only open when all but the last bar is full. one you have Nona fully stretched continue pressing D until you go the the ritual option and press space you will get a few cut scenes. (Nona will lose all he life so don't be scared about having to redo all of that)

Torture Area

you will wake up on a hay stack without clothing (you don't get clothing anymore)make sure you sleep again to save. On the right you will see a futa they will replenish your hungry and if hungry is filled she will fill you with cum.( you don't want to be filled with cum. Once your hungry is filled go to the door on the left and press S. in that room there will be a large cock futa just press space repeatedly to easily kill you will also see another room that room is  for if you are filled with cum. go to that room and press S on the device you will be in there for about 15 seconds. go back out and kill the monster again press S on the weird milking machine  wait till it opens the door or wait for the futa monster to come back and get a nice ending scene. Once the door is open press S you will be in a room with a normal wolf girl just spam space to beat her or get the losing scene. When you beat her you will get a cut scene and the door to the next area will open. in this room there is a giant monster thing and when you walk past him you will see a bunch rocks don't try to break all of them instead you will have to hit the monster once or twice then go back to hitting rocks and repeat until you uncover the hole  one you uncover the hole press S you will then get a cut scene after that you will get a place to save.


Once you save go to the right and in the next area there will be a berry  press S + space on top of it to pick it up go back and save. then continue on in the next area there will be weird worm monster  to easily get past them press D + ctrl to phase past them. In the next room thee will be a tree branch blocking the way press D and spam space bar at the same time  some of the monsters may spawn just stop pressing  D and  press space to kill them one you get through the tree branch  press D + ctrl to quickly get past any monster same thing in the next area  but in that area you will have a stone thing with lips blocking the way press tab then press D to use the berry Nona will get a erection. then wait for a few seconds or press S + E for Nona to start masturbating
when the erotic bar gets halfway press E + W to stop then go up to the stone lips and press ( you will die if you did not masturbate) space the stone will proceed to suck you off. this will get you to another save point.

In the area with the save point there will be another berry pick it up then go to the next area. in the next area there will be a monster either jump over it by pressing W. in the next area there will be a pond the middle of that pond there will be a archway in the background covered by vines  go to it and continue pressing  D + space. Once the vines are destroyed press S quickly and you will be in the boss room when you walk up a weird monster will spawn behind you quickly crouch by pressing S he wont be able to attack you so just attack him. once you kill him go forward while crouching and start spamming space to kill the boss just stay low don't stand up. once you kill the boss you will get a cut scene.


You will see the cat girl wanting a golden apple and you also wont be able to save in the hay. Go back to the hay in the previous area be careful not to die and don't forget to save. After you have saved go back even further past the stone thing  until you get to the first save point after you fell out of the hole once you get there save and go to the area with the gate once you get to the gate press S once you press S you will go to a area with no monsters continue onto the next area once you get to the next area you will see a bunch of flies/bugs spawn let them attack you to get to the next area.You will get a cut scene. Once you get to the bugs lair you will want to span the space bar to try to break out if you don't break out the first time there will be a giant bug that plants eggs in you then a frog will come you control the toungh with (wasd) and press space to select the egg if a egg is red get it out immediately repeat until you get out of the lair. once you escape you will get a cut scene after the cut scene you will spawn outside of the lair next to the golden apple. pick up the golden apple and walk to the left then go back to the cat girl once you get to the cat girl press tab and go to the golden apple it should be drooped on the hay she will eat it exit the area then re enter she will be off the hay stack  save then look to the right she will be sitting and when you walk past her she will want a bag with a paw on it go back to the area with the bugs don"t let them attack you and go to the next area on the right continue going right until you get to a area  with a bunch of tentacles. jump down and crouch when you walk forward enough a monster will appear just spam space while crouching same thing with the tentacle doss in the middle. once you beat it go to the next area . there will be hay and a apple make sure to sleep. go to the next area make sure to jump off the ledge because a monster will grab you if you don't .you next and final boss will a tree you need to hit it until its mouth opens to reveal  its heart continue to hit it but watch out for the slimes and when leaves fall move because a monster will fall and stop you.once you beat the boss grab the bag and you will get a cut scene after the cut scene go to the right you will get to a swamp kill the bugs and crouch and hit the bushes to get to a new hay stack save there that is pretty much the end of the current content.


  1. 1 pregunta siendo nivel 3 llege a la sona de area de tortura futa ya abri la puerta con la maquina de ordeño y mate como 3 veses a la futa polla grande pero no me deja crusar la puerta ¿puede ser un fallo? O ¿tengo q tener nivel 5 si o si para crusar?

  2. Есть среди вас шарящие? Обновления выходят и если да то где? Мне то просто скинули игру, а так откуда ее достали не знаю

    1. Open with VPN or TOR cuz it might be blocked in your country


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